About me

Hi! I’m Innocent Ndubuisi-Obi Jr. I’m a PhD Student at the Unversity of Washington’s Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering. I’m advised by Kurtis Heimrel as a member of the ICTD Lab. My interests are in the domain of internet design, mechanism design, programming languages, networks/systems, and human computer interaction. More details on my research agenda ‘Between Packets and Pockets’ can be found here. My work is supported by the Gaetano Borriello Endowed Fellowship for Change.

I received my Masters in Information Science with a specialization in Computational Social Science from the Univeristy of Michigan’s School of Information under the guidance of Kentaro Toyama and Eric Gilbert. My Masters thesis, BITDANFO, focused on creating p2p tranit and traffic sensing application for Lagos, Nigeria. I received my Bachelors in International Political Economy from the Walsh School of Foreign Service @ Georgetown University. I’m a proud alum of the Putney School in Putney, Vermont where I milked cows, tapped maple trees, and rediscovered the concept of business cycles.

Prior to my PhD, I was a Research Associate at the MIT GOV/LAB and the Civic Data Design Lab (CDDL) where I worked on the Living Data Hubs project and led some work around the CDR data analysis and government innnovation. The rest you can find on my CV.

I like to research and design socio-technical systems. So I like to use a variety of hard and soft skills to support people in tackling social problems. My current work focuses on the development of alternative social technologies to support decentralized and community-based hybrid on-offline communication infrastructures.

I presume I know nothing and proceed from there.